
What is hypnosis?

The term “hypnosis” comes from the Greek word hypnos, which means “sleep”.

It is:

  • A state of mind/ a waking state of awareness or consciousness
  • A state of greatly enhanced receptiveness and responsiveness to suggestion 
  • A hyper-awareness state


During hypnosis, a person would experience:

  • A narrowed focus of attention
  • A sense of deep relaxation
  • Heightened suggestibility and concentration


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Clinical hypnosis / Hypnotherapy

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is guided hypnosis.

The client is guided into a hypnotic state by a qualified clinical hypnotherapist.

It is completely safe and the client is in control of themselves throughout the session. 

The hypnotherapist acts as your facilitator and guide, helping you to achieve your goals and lead a more healthy and wholesome way of living. 

Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that utilises relaxation, focused attention and concentration to achieve a heightened state of consciousness or awareness. 

It is a powerful and effective way of accessing the unconscious mind. It accesses the source of the problem or distress. 

The client’s focus is directed towards obtaining positive resources and answers to issues that may have been hindering them from progressing positively in life and from managing challenges effectively.

Our core memories dictate our belief systems. 

The beliefs that we have are perceived beliefs. 

Unhealthy beliefs that originate from unhappy memories can lead to faulty behaviours and this in turn leads one to unhappy and unfulfilling experiences in life.  

In hypnotherapy, the hypnotherapist reprograms those faulty programmes and overrides the unhealthy beliefs.

The process of hypnotherapy helps a client manage their challenges by accessing their unconscious mind and altering faulty or unbeneficial programs. 

This is replaced by positive and beneficial blueprints, which is the platform for the life a client envisions and wants to achieve.

I assist clients to create healthy beliefs during hypnosis. This in turn leads to healthy and positive behaviour, thus leading to one having fulfilling and amazing life experiences.

The aim here is to assist clients achieve their goals in a safe and healthy manner, under the guidance of a trained clinical hypnotherapist. 

Common faqs

What if I can’t be hypnotised?

Hypnosis is similar to a daydream. 

If you have experienced yourself drifting off into a daydream during routine daily activities, you can easily experience hypnosis. 

We all daydream. Hypnosis can be experienced by all.

Everyone can experience the benefits and positive effects of hypnotic suggestions. 

What’s needed is the willingness to see a positive change in one’s life and the motivation to want progress and fulfilment in all aspects of life.

How does Hypnotherapy work?

When we experience something in life, we store it in our memory and we learn a particular way of responding to what had happened, we call this learned behaviour towards a particular belief that the memory has created.

When a similar experience occurs, we exhibit similar physical, mental and emotional behaviours, as they are attached to the core memory. 

Some reactions can be helpful and healthy. Some reactions can be unbeneficial and detrimental. 

During hypnotherapy, the therapist guides the client to recall the seeding event/ memory, isolate the memory from the faulty belief and the learned faulty behaviour and replace the unhealthy belief and behaviour with new, positive and beneficial beliefs and behaviours which will then help the client to experience more healthy and happier lives.


Is hypnosis dangerous?

Hypnosis is not dangerous and it is safe in the hands of a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.

Can hypnosis make me do things I don't want to do?

No, hypnosis cannot make you do things that you don’t want to do. You are in full control of yourself at all times during the therapy session.

What are some of the conditions in which hypnotherapy can assist?

Clinical research has proven that hypnosis may improve the immune system, increases relaxation, decreases stress and anxiety, eases pain, decreases blood pressure, improves sleep and general feeling of wellbeing.


Some of the common conditions that improve or are resolved with hypnotherapy are substance abuse and addiction, breaking bad habits and undesirable behaviours, insomnia, weight management, anxiety, panic attacks and disorders, phobias, anger management, relationship issues, PTSD, childhood issues, pain management, migraines, skin disorders, IBS, increasing one’s self confidence and self-esteem, performance anxiety, bereavement, overcoming trauma, to name a few. 

Hypnotherapy can also reduce fear and anxiety that clients may experience before medical or dental procedures, improve recovery time and speeds healing, increases pain thresholds and improves mental and physical health before a procedure.

Techniques such as destressors and self-hypnosis are also taught to clients so that they can manage on their own during times when they are not with their hypnotherapist.

What does “being in a hypnotic state” feel like?

Each individual experiences hypnosis differently. 

Generally, a sense of calm and relaxation is felt at a deeper level for the majority of clients.

Is hypnosis ever a one-session "quick fix" for a problem?

Some issues can be solved in a single session while some may require additional sessions. The type of issue or complaint and the client’s motivation level do influence the number of sessions a client needs to go through to reach their goals. 

Both the hypnotherapist and the client will monitor and evaluate the client’s progress over time.

What happens during a hypnotherapy session?

The hypnotherapist will obtain a case history from the client through a series of questions. This is to establish positive rapport, to help the client feel at ease, to understand the issues the client is facing, to formulate goals that the client would want to achieve and to answer any questions the client may have regarding hypnosis. 

The hypnotherapist then guides the client, using safe techniques, to enter the hypnotic state by inducing a state of focused attention and relaxation.  

This hypnotic state is further deepened and therapeutic suggestions are delivered. 

The client is then brought back to full waking consciousness at the end of the session. 

The whole session would take a duration of 60 to 90 minutes.

How is the hypnotic trance used in hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy accesses the unconscious mind. 

Our unconscious mind contains our memories, habits, behaviour patterns, fears about the past and the future amongst other things. 

Reprogramming takes place through the delivery of positive beneficial suggestions. 

Hypnotherapy addresses the root cause of issues and change occurs at the level of the unconscious mind. 

The therapy is effective as change is mostly quick and permanent.

Do I need a medical diagnosis?

For some medical disorders, a medical diagnosis is required to rule out organic causes. 

Hypnotherapy cannot replace acute medical treatment. 

Once the client has been stabilized by the medical team, the client can then come in for hypnotherapy.

How is hypnotherapy different from traditional methods?

The core difference between hypnotherapy and other methods is the depth and speed of the therapy itself. Using hypnotherapy techniques and trance states, therapists are able to access the unconscious mind more quickly than traditional methods. Traditional methods may take longer to uncover the unconscious reasons behind issues that are manifesting in clients. With hypnotherapy, these reasons can sometimes be found in just one session.

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